Avala: Spirits of the Mindscapes
Book 2: Death
Adjutant: Fully sapient AIs hired to work as assistants to the Republic of Earth.
Adjutant Network: A network of systems and devices run by a single adjutant AI. Parts can be temporarily separated when necessary, but they must be connected again within six weeks or else the adjutant will lose sapience in the device until reconnected to the main network.
Adjutant Pad: A tablet-like device that is connected to an adjutant network, it has various scanners housed within.
Adjutant Wristband: A watch-like device that is connected to an adjutant network, it has various scanners housed within.
ADRACU: (Ad-Rah-Koo) Stands for Adjutant Direct Remote Armored Combat Unit. Appears as a metal disk with four legs. Most likely has heavy armor and weapons systems. Can house an adjutant’s consciousness.
Afterlife: A collection of beliefs from far-ancient religions and mythology having to do with life after death. Most were thought to be misunderstandings of Yajixa-absorbing souls or else baseless myths.
Alkonost: (Al-Ko-Nost) Echhaar drone bodies in the shape of birds with the heads of mortal women. Appears in far-ancient Earth mythologies.
Allan Ali, Agent/Commander (Alvaj): (Ah-Lan Ah-Lee) (Al-Vah-Jh) Human, male. Works for the Earth Intelligence Service. Around the chronological Age of twenty-three. Code name is Alvaj.
AMK: (Ay-Em-Kay) Stands for auto med kit. A small device robotic drone that can be used to heal people in place of a certified medical professional.
Ancients, The: Term of reverence for the Echarikith.
Army of the Damned: An army of silver spirits left behind in the Underworld. Myths from Avala’s home world suggest they were from a failed Yajiran attack on the Underworld.
ASCMS: (Ay-Es-See-Em-Es) A Republic weapon seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny. The weapon was something that could fight against the Shadow Crusade.
Athakarin: (Ath-Ack-Uh-Rin) Part Yajiran, part human Primitive natives of the world Evelon II. Avala’s people.
Athakarin Month: (Ath-Ack-Uh-Rin) Each Athakarin month is forty-five days long. There are eight Athakarin months in the year: the Month of the Great Sea, the Month of the Darkness, the Month of the Sacrificed, the Month of the Lost, the Month of the All Seer, the Month of the Blood Star, the Month of the Spirits, and the Month of the Green Sky.
Athakri: (Ath-Ack-Ree) A group of Yajiran rebels from whom the original Athakarins were born. The Athakarins get their name from the Athakri.
Avala: (Ah-Vah-Lah) A fifteen-year-old Athakarin girl and the main character of this story. The leader of the Avalan resistance against the Yajixa. Before the discovery of the Emerald Guard, she was thought to be the first Yajixa free from the ten emperors of the Yajiran Empire.
Avalan: (Ah-Vah-Lan) A group of former Yajixa who were freed from their evil masters. Now they fight against the Yajixa.
Babylonians, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization based in central-southern Mesopotamia between the years 1895 BCE to 539 BCE.
Banshee: (Ban-Shee) A type of shade that appears like a woman or young girl in a flowing dress. Has a terrifying scream that sends deathly chills through any individual and can kill most non-humans/Athakarins. Appears in far-ancient Earth mythologies.
Beam Pistol: A gun-like weapon that shoots a beam of energy. Has multiple settings, ranging from low stun to maximum lethal.
Black Circle: A mysterious organization referenced by the supreme general, it apparently has a commander.
Blessing of Tavalo: (Tah-Vah-Lo) An ancient Athakarin law that gives women blessed by it full rights and freedoms in a culture where women are normally treated as property.
Bloodborne Empire: (Blud-Born) A militaristic warrior empire that controls part of the galactic east at the tip of the same galactic arm Sol is in.
Blothra Crystals: (Blaw-Th-Rah) A Yajixa power source that powers the Emerald Guard. Zeyza accidentally let slip that the crystals were given to them by some mysterious benefactor in exchange from freeing the Echarikith.
British Columbia, Nation State of: An Earth-based nation state of the Republic of Earth that borders the northern part of the Nation State of California. Formerly a part of Canada.
Builder Monkey: A creature absorbed by Avala shortly after awakening the power within her. They are monkeys that can build and repair structures. They are not self-aware.
Burning Dragon, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equals to the first in power. Only with the power of the Winged Serpent will she win. But the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven.”
California, Nation State of: An Earth-based nation state of the Republic of Earth that controls a large part of the western side of North America. Was formerly a part of the United States of America. Its capital is New Los Angeles.
Camazotz: (Cah-Mah-Zoe-Tzh) A bat-like drone of the Echhaar. Appears in far-ancient Earth mythologies.
Camline Stew: (Cam-Line) A type of stew made by Athakarins.
Cardboard: A type of Republic material that was once made from trees and chemicals but is now made through matter replication. A form of paper.
Cast Off: A being that was once an Echarikith drone but no longer has the Echarikith spirit in it or a descendant of such a being. All cast offs have mindscapes.
Cerberus: (Ser-Ber-Ruhs) A massive three-headed hound-like creature that is a drone of an Echhaar. Appears in far-ancient Earth mythology.
Chardrik: (Char-Drick) A massive creature that forms around a meteor or small moon, consuming all material in the star system until it grows big enough to reproduce. They are sapient and can usually support life inside and on their surface. Can be used as an extremely potent power source for the Yajixa.
Chems: (Chems) A male doctor of the Special Forces team Fire Squad. Was thought to have been killed by Namjila but was found alive after returning to the past.
Childya Village: (Chill-Dyah) The home village of Avala. North of Ecrekio: City of Bones, near the frozen wastes.
Chinese, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization that thrived in Asia from 8500 BCE to 2209 CE.
City of Trees: A city at the North Pole of Evelon II. It wobbles back and forth between the day side of Evelon II and its night side over the year due to the planet’s tilt, causing seasons. Its real name is a secret.
Daebla, Empress: (Day-Blah) Former member of the ten emperors of the Yajiran Empire. One of the first Yajixa. Was previously defeated by Avala. Now she is another soul claimed by Avala.
Daeblathzia: (Day-Blah-Th-Zee-Ah) An Echarikith mind general. Has the body of a Yajiran woman. Her previous body became the body of Daebla when her spirit was forced to leave it at the fall of the seventh core.
Daigix: (Day-Gicks) Former priest of Childya Village. Is now dead.
Death Gate: A gateway that shades can enter a mindscape through in great numbers.
Decontamination Field: A doorway that destroys contaminates on any that walk through it. Can be overloaded when shot.
Destroyer: An Echhaar drone made out of a thousand eyes, mouths, and wings and surrounded in shadows and cyan flames.
Devalra: (Deh-Val-Rah) A derogatory Yajiran term for humans. Also, the word that the Athakarins use for evil spirits.
Dihaakvrah: (Dee-Hawk-vrah) An Echarikith word that doesn’t translate well into other languages. Best translation is “Engine,” as in the Engine of Time.
Dorek: (Dor-Eck) A small, cute, furry animal of Evelon II that eats nuts.
Draconus, Emperor: (Drah-Kon-Nus) Eldest Yajixa child of former Empress Liliatha. Took his mother’s place among the ten emperors when his mother was slain by Avala at the battle for the Echarikith Core.
Dragon Guard, the: A sub group of the Emerald Guard as mentioned by Zeyza.
Drathhaar: (Drath-Hawr) Athakarin version of the Underworld. In means “the land where a thousand souls lie unclaimed.” The harvester is said to bring unclaimed souls to the Drathhaar. An Athakarin myth also claims the Drathhaar was at one point attacked by a Yaji army; however, that attack failed, leading to the creation of the Army of the Damned. The etymology of the word is not Athakarin in origin; it was most likely a Yajiran word.
Earth: Homeworld of humanity. Capital of the Republic of Earth.
Earth Intelligence Service: The intelligence branch of the Republic of Earth’s military.
Echarikith: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) Ancient beings who all share the same intrinsically connected consciousness. Individual drones can take any form they wish and have the appearance of individuality. When an Echarikith drone leaves its body under normal circumstances, it creates a cast off.
Echarikith Core: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) The heart of Echarikith civilization. There have been seven cores in the past. When one core fell, a new one was made. The current and eighth core is Axas V.
Echarikith Mind General: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) An Echarikith mind paragon or an Echarikith on the path to becoming a mind paragon who uses their command of the voice of the consciousness to lead armies into battle.
Echarikith Mind Healer: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) An Echarikith mind paragon or an Echarikith on the path to become a mind paragon who uses their command of the voice of the consciousness to heal people’s bodies and minds.
Echarikith Mind Paragons: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) An Echarikith drone that can fully channel the Echarikith voice of the consciousness to do amazing things. They are rare, and each drone must follow a long path of growth and practice before they are made one.
Echhaar: (Ech-Hawr) Part of the Echarikith Consciousness that was split off during the fall of the previous Echarikith Core. Commands the shades and is obsessed with death. Inhabits the Underworld.
Echkrahim: (Ech-Krah-Heem) Former Echarikith drones that were separated from the consciousness, so they would be able to ensure the return of the Echarikith after their fall. Most take humble forms. The most infamous one is Sataris, who now leads the Yajixa as one of the ten emperors.
Echniath: (Ech-Nee-Ath) An Echarikith drone that takes the form of a female Yajiran child. Was the Echarikith freed from within Avala’s own mindscape when she was just starting out.
Ecrekio: The City of Bones: (Ehh-Creck-Ee-Oh) A city on Evelon II. Former Echarikith city dedicated to prophecies.
Egyptians, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization that thrived along the northern parts of the Nile River between 3150 BCE and 525 CE.
Elexia McCarthy: (Ehh-Lecks-Ee-Ah Mck-Kar-Thee) Identical twin sister of Sylvia McCarthy. Was the Commander of the Earth Intelligence Service before Sylvia was. She was convicted for crimes against the Republic but was thought killed after being caught in a Yajiran MELT trap on her way to prison. Her soul was recently confirmed as claimed by Namjila.
Elizba: (Ee-Liz-Bah) An Echarikith drone that takes on a nearly human female child form. Was the second Echarikith drone freed by Avala.
Emerald Guard: The followers of Emperor Rathinus. They are Yajixa who gain their power from Blothra crystals instead of enslaved Echarikith. They are not slaves to Rathinus but instead serve him willingly. They are secretly rebels against the Yajixa.
Emergency Stealth Generator: A stealth generator attached to most important Earth Intelligence Service equipment that triggers when it unintentionally leaves the proximity of the connected adjutant device. Can be disabled with a vocal key code.
Enchoora: (En-Choor-Rah) The Echkrahim that takes the form of a dorek. The only Echkrahim Avala has ever met.
Engine of Creation and Destruction: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to create and destroy virtually anything if given enough power.
Engine of Fate and Destiny: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to shape destiny and fate and to shape the future, no matter how distant.
Engine of Knowledge: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to know all things and to change facts of reality.
Engine of Life and Death: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power over life and death. It is able to shape life, direct evolution, heal the masses, and create new living things but also kill entire worlds, create terrible diseases, and rip souls out of people.
Engine of Possibility: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to plan for all things, see all possibilities, and make the impossible possible.
Engine of Power: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to do all sorts of magic. Possibly the most powerful of the engines.
Engine of Time: One of the seven engines of the Echarikith that has the power to manipulate time, time travel, create timelines, and pull things from the past and the future.
Entrallia: (En-Trah-Lee-Ah) The Echarikith drone that lives inside Avala’s mindscape. She aids Avala where she can.
Eternal Fires: The day side of Evelon II.
Evarel: (Ehh-Vah-Rel) A young Avalan girl.
Evelon II: (Ehh-Veh-Lon) The home world of Avala and the Athakarins. Is tidally locked, meaning the same side always faces the orbiting star.
Ever-Burning Torch: The torches in Ecrekio are powered by a magical force or advanced technology to stay lit for centuries without having to be relit, and they never have to be refueled.
Evyn: (Ehh-Vin) The first Avalan other than Avala herself.
Fire Squad: An elite Special Forces team of the Republic of Earth.
First, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equal to the First in power. Only with the power of the Winged Serpent will she win. But the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven."
Forge of Li’osa’raan: (Lee-Oh-Sar-Awn) A location within Namjila’s mindscape.
Frozen Wastes: The Night side of Evelon II.
Generations of Yajiran Names: There are nine generations of Yajiran names. Each generation alternated from 401,204 earth years long to 200,602 earth years long. Yajixa born in each generation were given a name unique to that generation. Non-Yajixa were given random names that were not necessarily Yajiran. Many of these names eventually became names of future Yajixa name generations.
Great Rebel: A Yajixa term for Avala.
Greeks, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization that thrived on the northeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea from 1200 BCE to 600 CE.
Green Star: A stellar phenomenon of Evelon II. It is really a comet that comes close to the world every four hundred years.
Gregahaar: (Greh-ga-hawr) The Echarikith Name for the Shadow Crusade.
Hadeza: (Hay-Deez-Ah) One of the original thirteen Yajixa. Some event caused the rest to turn on her, and she was killed. It is a mystery how her name appears in Echarikith writing in the Underworld.
Harvester: The Athakarin version of the myths of the Grim Reaper. Is said to bring spirits to Drathhaar. It is also a type of shade.
Hellhound: A black, furry dog-like Echhaar drone with glowing red eyes. Has been seen in ancient Earth mythologies.
Human: A bipedal race from Earth in the Sol system. They are not a cast-off race of the Echarikith and thus do not have mindscapes and cannot be possessed by Yajixa.
HVRP: (Ay-Ch-Vee-Ar-Pee) Stands for Holographic Virtual Reality Platform. A room that can be used to simulate being in another area.
Hydra III: (Hi-Dra) The third world of the star Hydra. Is the location for the command center for the Earth Intelligence Service.
Ijix Bow: (Ee-Jh-Icks) A type of bladed bow used by Athakarins and Yajirans.
Jace Tiger: (Jay-S Tiy-Ger) The leader of Fire Squad.
Kalla: (Kah-Lah) Guardian constructs that once guarded the lower depths of Ecrekio.
Knakta Crystal: (Kh-Nack-Tah) A type of crystal from Evelon II that comes in various colors, including red.
Korithius: (Kor-Rith-Ee-Us)The name of the vault in which the Engine of Time is housed.
Korodar Beast: (Kor-Ro-Dar) A type of creature on Evelon II.
Kyati Sword: (Kh-Yah-Tee) A sword with a wide center part of the blade that can be used as a small shield.
Las Vegas: A large city in the region of North America formerly known as Nevada.
Liam Benedict, Commander: (Lee-Am Ben-Ehh-Dict) Human male. Commander of the Special Forces Division of the Republic of Earth’s military.
Light Stealer: A Shadow Crusade device seen in a snippet of the future show by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Liliatha, Empress: (Lih-Lee-Ah-Thah) Former member of the ten emperors of the Yajiran Empire. One of the first Yajixa. Was killed by Avala in the battle for the Echarikith Core.
Lily Thomas, Supreme General: (Lih-Lee Tom-Mas) Human female. Leader of the Republic of Earth Military. Over two hundred years old. Nearing her elderly years.
Living Thought: The manifestation of a Yajixa or Avalan while inside a mindscape.
Los Angeles: A former human city on the west coast of North America. Most of it sank under the ocean. The rest was destroyed by an earthquake.
Majiril: (Mah-Jh-Ih-Rill) Athakarin term for “spirit beast.”
Mamian: (May-Mee-An) A horse-faced humanoid Echhaar drone used as a soldier. Appears in ancient Earth mythologies.
Mars: Fourth world from the star Sol. Was once a barren planet but is now a terraformed paradise. Mars was the first location where humans found Echarikith ruins.
Mary: In ancient human religion, Mary was said to be a woman who gave birth while still a virgin to a son called Jesus. Rathinus claimed he was the one who made that happen using an Emerald Guard technique to impregnate a woman using their spirit. He also claimed to have created humanity and that most of Earth’s religions came from the Emerald Guard in some way or another.
Matter Replicator: A device capable of turning energy into matter. However, it cannot create true living beings.
Mayans, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization that thrived in Central America from 8000 BCE to 1697 CE.
MELT Pad: The pad used for transporting people using MELT transporters.
MELT Scan: A long-distance scan that uses MELT technologies.
MELT Transport: A type of long-distance, nearly instant, point-to-point transportation method that appears to melt the world away into the new location.
MELT Trap: A starship that catches people using MELT transportation between two points. Those captured are killed by gas, or something else is done with them.
Mind Trap Field: A powerful field capable of preventing the Spirits of Mindscapes from leaving their bodies.
Mindscape: An inner world inside the mind of a cast-off race. In Yajixa and Avalans, the mindscapes contain all the souls they absorb.
Mindworld: The term for the realm that links all mindscapes.
Mindworld Command Stone: A tool that allows souls trapped in a mindscape to manifest their will.
Mogdi Juice: (Mog-Dee) A type of hot Athakarin beverage similar to coffee made from Mogdi beans.
Month of the Spirits: One of the Athakarin months.
Namjila, Empress: (Naym-Jh-Ee-La) Perhaps the most powerful Yajixa. Nemesis of Avala. Daughter of former empress Daebla. Has plans to conquer the galaxy.
Namjila’s Mindscape Throne: (Naym-Jh-Ee-La) Namjila’s throne in her mindscape is shaped like a seven-headed serpentine creature.
Nathanos Aleksandrov, Agent: (Nah-Thah-Noh-S Ah-Leck-San-Draw-V) One of the agents of the Earth Intelligence Service.
Nav’Jal’M’La: (Nav-Jal-M-La) A mysterious name referenced by the child of Namjila in the words “Nav’Jal’M’La wills it!”
New Los Angeles: Current capital of the Nation State of California. Was built on the remains of the previous city of Los Angeles.
Night Raven, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equals to the First in power. Only with the power of the Winged Serpent will she win. But the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven.”
Nine, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equals to The First in power. Only with the power of The Winged Serpent will she win. But the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven.”
Niutou: (Nee-Oo-Tau) An ox-headed humanoid Echhaar drone used as a soldier. Appears in ancient Earth mythologies.
Noise-cancellation Field: A field capable of preventing sound from leaving it.
Noochi: (Noo-Chee) An Echarikith drone that takes the form of a humanoid male with taloned feet and hands and bat-like wings.
Norse, Ancient: A far-ancient Earth civilization that thrived in the Scandinavian region between 790 CE and 1066 CE.
Northlands: The northern nation of Evelon II. Nation that the City of Trees is in.
North Mexico, Nation State of: An Earth-based nation state of the Republic of Earth that borders the south of the nation state of California.
Oatmeal: A traditional human breakfast food.
Oblivion Gateway: A term used for the gateway in vault 7893-B.
Orbital Spirit Collectors: A device created by the Yajirans in the future that can capture fleeing Echarikith souls from their Core and give them to Yajixa to enslave.
Orsirius: (Or-Seer-Ree-Us) One of the thirteen original Yajixa. Something caused his fellows to turn on him, resulting in his death. His name is considered cursed.
Pacific Ocean: The ocean between Asia and the Americas on Earth.
Pit of El'kaa'dor: (El-Kaw-Dor) Location in Namjila'’s mindscape. Countless beings there are chained to floating plates and being drained of power. The plates are floating over a pit of giant, ravenous worms.
Point-to-point Tracking Device: A tool that uses quantum entanglement to track important gear of the Earth Intelligence Service in case it gets lost.
Prison of Laa'Kar: (Law-Kar) A location in Namjila’s mindscape. Is a massive prison floating over a giant Echarikith statue. The prison’s cells have no bars or barriers, only a massive height preventing escape. Is guarded by Valla
Privacy Mode: A mode of an adjutant panel that allows privacy of the room it’s in.
Protocol 999: The destruction of a city or military base due to unstoppable enemy attack.
Pseudo Adjutant: A colloquial name for an AI that is not sapient but may be sentient and self-aware to a limited ability and acts totally as its program dictates.
PTSD: Stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. A mental condition in many races caused by one or multiple traumatic events. Can be close to cured by the Republic medical system, but it will always remain just under the surface, and another traumatic event can bring it back.
Rathinus, Emperor: (Rah-Thih-Nus) Leader of the Emerald Guard. One of the original thirteen emperors. Was thrown into exile after freeing the Echarikith inside him and his followers and replacing them with Blothra crystals.
Redhorn: (Red-Horn) Human male. Member of Fire Squad. Died in Namjila’s mindscape, but after they traveled back in time, he was found alive again.
Republic of Earth War Council: A Republic of Earth council formed from the prime minister, top military leaders, ally leaders, and top scientists who gather to determine the course of the war.
Robert Obama, Professor: (Raw-Bert Oh-Baw-Mah) Human male. Xenoanthropologist of the Republic of Earth.
Romans, Ancient: Far-Ancient Earth civilization that thrived in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East from 753 BCE to 476 CE.
Sagittarius A-star: The Earth name for the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy.
Sallai: (Sah-Lay) Athakarin female. About eleven Athakarin years of age. Was rescued by Avala in the Northlands. Was killed by Yasal and then brought back as an Avalan.
Sandra Kearnan, Agent: (San-Drah Keer-Nan) Human female. Special Agent of the Earth Intelligence Agency. Was killed in Namjila’s mindscape, but was found alive again after travelling back into the past.
Sataris, Emperor: (Say-Tar-Ris) One of the ten Yajiran emperors. One of the original Yajixa. An Echkrahim who turned the Yajiran against the Echarikith for revenge.
Septose XI: (Sep-Toe-S) Planet on the far edge of the Bloodborne Empire. Eleventh world from the star Septose. Location of the Engine of Time.
Seven Engines of the Echarikith, The: (Ehh-Char-Rih-Kith) Seven entities with amazing capabilities from the reign of the Second Echarikith Core. Stored in vaults that are impenetrable by spirits or objects without the power of a Echarikith mind paragon. These vaults will automatically escape worlds about to be destroyed and will move at sub-light speeds to a new world in a neighboring star system. Each engine is alive, sapient, and has a soul.
Shade: Beings made of shadow that inhabit the Underworld. Are the remnants of Echarikith drones that did not escape the destruction of their previous core.
Shadow Crusade: Both an event and a group that ravages the galaxy every four million years. They come from the Pit and attempt to turn all the stars in the galaxy into black holes. Little other details are known about them.
Siloth the Unmaker: (Siy-Loth) An Echarikith mind paragon.
Sirin: (Seer-Rin) Echhaar drones in the shape of birds with the heads of mortal women.
Sol: Humanity’s home star.
Soul Reintegrator: A device that can resurrect the recently dead as Yajixa. When Avala used it to bring back Sallai as an Avalan, it worked, but it destroyed itself.
Spirit of the Divine: A strange term that Zeyza of the Emerald Guard let slip. It is unknown at this time what the difference is between the Spirits of the Mindscapes and the Spirits of the Divine.
Spirit of the Mindscapes: A catch-all term for Yajixa, Avalans, and beings like them.
Spirit-Scream: A type of wordless sound made by the spirit of a person that can be used to communicate but also used in strange magics. It usually sounds like a multitude of voices screaming in an otherworldly sound, with the intent of the scream being understood by the listener.
SRAYEN 1: (Sray-En) Stands for Spirit-rending Anti-Yajixa and Echarikith Neurorifle. An experimental weapon designed to be used on Echarikith and Yajixa. It rends a spirit from its body, preventing it from ever claiming another body.
Stasis Field: A field of energy in which everything within is in a form of stasis. Some powerful beings can escape it.
Stefan Harris, Prime Minister: (Stee-Fan Hayr-Ris) Human male. The 589th prime minister of the Republic of Earth.
Suukaka Worm: (Soo-Kah-Kah) A type of giant carnivorous worm native to the Yajiran home world of Yajihvax. Is farmed by the Yajirans for food and as a form of execution. Yajirans and Athakarins enjoy the flavor when cooked. The worm’s meat is toxic to the human digestive system.
Sylvia McCarthy, Commander: (Sil-Vee-Ah Mck-Kar-Thee) Human female. Commander of the Republic of Earth Intelligence Service. Twin sister of Elexia McCarthy.
Syran Beast: (Siy-Ran) A black horse-like creature from Evelon II. Has many backward-facing horns on its maned head. Makes a horn-like screaming sound. Are tracker beasts as well as fast mounts.
Takayan Industries: (Tak-Ah-Yan) A high-tech weapons and military technology company of the Republic of Earth.
Techatoratus: (Teck-Ah-Tor-Rah-Tus) The name of the vault in which the Engine of Time is housed.
Texas, Nation State of: An Earth-based nation state of the Republic of Earth that borders the east side of the nation state of California.
The Pit: Echarikith name for the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy.
Three, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equals to the First in power. Only with the power of the Winged Serpent will she win. but the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven.”
Tinker: (Tin-ker) A female technician of the Special Forces team Fire Squad.
Titanus, Emperor: (Tiy-Tah-Nus) One of the ten emperors of the Yajiran Empire. One of the original Yajixa.
Torok Meat Pie: (Tor-Rock) A traditional breakfast food of the Athakarins. Is traditionally served on a rectangular wooden plate.
Underworld: The catch-all term for the location where the Echhaar and shades come from. The parts seen so far were the underground temple cities of the Echarikith’s Seventh Core before it was destroyed.
United States of America (USA): Ancient nation state of the Republic of Earth. Like most massive nation states on Earth, the USA was broken down into small parts eventually. These three parts are California, Texas, and New York.
Universal Mindworld Symbol: Seven symbols that appear throughout the Mindworld.
Vaeknaar Laak: (Vayk-Nawr Lawk) Means “Deep Circle” in the Echarikith language. The deepest part of Ecrekio. Encircles the vault of the Engine of Fate and Destiny. Was once guarded by the Kalla.
Vahlrondar: (Val-Ron-Dar) The name of the vault in which the Engine of Possibilities was held. Was guarded by the Valla.
Valkyrie: (Val-Ker-Ree) A type of feminine shade that rides a flying horse-like mount. Appears in ancient Earth mythologies.
Valla: (Vah-Lah) Winged and armored spectral women. Guardians of the vault of Vahlrondar, the location of the Engine of Time. Now slaves in Namjila’s mindscape.
Vancouver: Capital city of the nation state of British Columbia.
Vault 7893-B: (Seven-Eight-Nine-Three-Dash-Bee) The vault in which the Underworld collection of ancient Earth artifacts was housed.
Vault of K’or’aas: (K-or-aws) A location in Namjila’s mindscape.
Viatha Beast: (Vee-Ah-Thah) A bat-like creature from Avala’s home world of Evelon II.
Vizhaan: (Veez-Hawn) An unknown entity or group associated with the Shadow Crusade, as seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Vrekhauk: (Vreck-Hawk) An unknown entity or group associated with the Shadow Crusade, as seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Vrendai: (Vren-Day) An unknown entity or group associated with the Shadow Crusade, as seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Vunaaka: (Voo-naw-ka) An unknown entity or group associated with the Shadow Crusade, as seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Will of Salathdrey: (Sah-Lath-Dray) The Echarikith name for MELT technologies. Named after the Echarikith mind paragon who invented it.
Winged Serpent, the: A mysterious reference by the Engine of Time in the line: “The Three together are equals to the First in power. Only with the power of the Winged Serpent will she win. But the Nine will not let that happen, nor will their allies of the Burning Dragon or the Night Raven.”
Yaji: (Yah-Jh-Ee) Athakarin name for the Yajixa and the Yajirans. They are the “good” spirits of the Athakarin religion.
Yajihvax: (Yah-Jh-Ih-Vacks) Homeworld of the Yajirans.
Yajiran: (Yah-Jh-Eer-Ran) The original race of the Yajixa. Primary race of the Yajiran Empire. Appear human like but with big round amber eyes with slit pupils and strands of scales instead of hair.
Yajiran Biopolymer Neurofilm: (Yah-Jh-Eer-Ran Biy-Oh-Pol-Lee-Mer Nee-Urr-Roh-Film) A material used in Yajiran technologies that use the mind. The Republic of Earth is able to synthesize a low-grade version to use in the mind trap fields and MELT technologies. Degrades if not used.
Yajiran Zaldaara Virus: (Zal-Dawr-Rah) A virus created by the Yajiran Empire that kills everything other than Yajirans.
Yajixa: (Yah-Jick-Sa) The original spirits of the mindscapes. They can leave their bodies and possess cast-off races. They also absorb the souls of any living thing that dies near them into their mindscapes. They draw their power from power sources such as enslaved Echarikith or chardrik souls. Some can shoot energy out of their hands. Some can manipulate people’s bodies without touching them. Some can absorb their bodies into their mindscapes, move somewhere as a spirit, then reform it elsewhere. The Yajixa spirit forms can only be seen by spirits of the mindscapes and Echarikith.
Yamlai, Mage Queen: (Yam-Lay) Athakarin female. Leader of the City of Trees. Body of the Yajixa General Yasal.
Yasal: (Yah-Sal) Female Yajixa. Top leader of the Yajixa Generals on Evelon II. Seen as the head spirit of the Athakarin religion.
Years of Wanderings: A period of several millennia during which Avala’s spirit was wandering after an incident with time travel in the ancient past. The process strengthened her mindscape to be defensible against attackers.
Zegehra: (Zeg-Ehh-H-Rah) An unknown alien race seen in a snippet of the future shown by the Engine of Fate and Destiny.
Zehka Plant: (Zeh-Ka) A nut-bearing plant of Evelon II.
Zeyza: (Zay-Zah) The leader of the Dragon Guard of the Emerald Guard at the city of Trees. Was killed by Yasal.
Zihaadga Noraaj: (Zee-Hawd-Gah Nor-Raw-Jh) Yajiran term meaning “Supreme Goddess.”