Official EIS Report to Republic Command #01286099-00004384-001
Date: Wednesday, 28th of January 6099, 19:45
Report By: Commander Sylvia McCarthy
Subject: Update of Plans to Take Ecrekio
More arguing today. Its been a nightmare. I’m not calling in the Supreme General yet but keep that old prune ready just in case. I may still need her yet. Either way, we’ve decided the super spy idea is off the table, since it’s the most unrealistic. I mean, I’ve been with the EIS since right out of university, and I’ve only seen an actual super spy style mission three times. It's not like it doesn’t happen. It's just super rare! Anyway, we’re left with either a full on invasion, or the reasonable strike team approach. I’m leaning towards the full on invasion. I want this to be flashy.
Anyway, Sylvia signing off for now.
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Hope you enjoy, and stay safe amid COVID-19!
Caleb Teal
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, places, or events of the modern time are used in a fictional sense and have no bearing or reality, nor are they meant to detract from the real them in any way. And all characters are the complete creation of the author, any resemblance to characters both real or fictional is complete coincidence.
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